Succumbing to Winter – Audrey Carlill Year 6

A sunset of leaves sparkled gleefully as they rustled in the gentle wind.
Beautiful oak trees sprouted jewels that ranged from rubies to gold. Bees
emerged from flowers doing pirouettes in the air as they skimmed through
the lawn trimmed to perfection.
As the sun set lower each passing day a cold and bitter wind yanked the
leaves off the beautiful trees and made them tumble along into the distance.
A hardness enveloped the ground in an icy hug. Grass that once buzzed with
life stood rigid against their will. Thousands of jewels were forced into the
chilly air, wrestling with a strong southerly wind. All beauty was covered in
a thick snow that would penetrate even the strongest of hearts.
A single leaf hung on watching as his future was unravelling before him. A
cloud passed over the moon making the stars begin to shine more brightly,
the pure white snow twinkled in a way that reminded him of how he used to
twinkle in the sun. There was beauty left, he looked up into the stars and
imagined flying around them. The leaf watched as the moon appeared,
soaking everything in a bright embrace. He let go and tumbled into the