Hanna Knowles, Year 3, Boronia Heights Primary School

A long time ago girls could not be accepted for many jobs. This is a story set in the 1930s when there was a big war in Europe.

One day in a little cottage there was a kind small family, one little girl called Rose and two lovely parents, Sara and Archer. It was the time of the war and Sara really wanted to fight while Archer wanted to stay home and look after Rose. But back then it was the opposite, men had to fight for their country and women had to stay home. So that’s how they had to go on. Archer fought for their country and Sara had to stay home and look after Rose.

A few days later Sara could not take it anymore. She spent days making everything she needed to go to the army. After the preparations she told Rose to stay safe and headed off. She got to the place where you signed up. She dressed up like a man. They accepted her but they still seemed suspicious. As soon as she got to the base, she told Archer to sneak out and go home to look after Rose. So that’s what they did until one day she got spotted. It was a quiet afternoon and there was a new soldier. Sara went up to the soldier and asked what his name was. As soon as he heard Sara’s high pitched voice he shouted out loud “she’s a girl! this is unacceptable.” Guards came rushing out grabbing her on the legs and arms. Everyone was shouting. But Sara had had enough. She shouted in her biggest voice “stop I have had enough of this nonsense! I think girls should be able to do what boys do and I will stay here until you think so too.”

After that day, people respected everyone equally. Sara got to fight for her country. Archer got to stay home and look after Rose. And when Rose was grown up she was a firefighter. She was always thankful for her mum and dad because if her mum had never stood up to those people she may not have been able to do the job she wanted.