
All positions are Voluntary

We always have Vacancies!

It’s a fact of our newspaper life – right now, we have 4 vacant walking rounds and 1 driving round.

Walking Rounds:

Dixon Court area Boronia 110 papers
Kanooka Road area Boronia 103 papers
Army Rd area Boronia 100 papers
Mitchell Ave area Boronia 100 papers

Driving Round:

Boronia area, 11 drop offs to Walkers, monthly, usually the last Thursday of the month (except December). Collect papers any time from 0800 at The Progress Hall in The Basin.

Papers need to be delivered near the end of each month, except for near the end of December, as we have no printed paper for January. We are always pleased to have casual Walkers and Drivers. If a Walker or Driver  is away or unwell, we arrange coverage for their round. Can you help? If so, please do get in touch  – –  thank you.

The Heart of Our Community Newspaper

We are always pleased to hear from members of our community who are keen to give something to that community.

Heaps of roles are going on behind the scenes in order to get this paper out each month.

As well as delivering papers, a huge amount of voluntary work operates behind the scenes.  The paper has to be produced, which means gathering information, securing advertising, maintaining finances, prioritising content, graphic design, website and facebook maintenance, maintenance of Volunteer listings, and organising the delivery and distribution of papers to Walkers by our volunteer Drivers.  All this is done on a voluntary basis, and amounts to more than 2000 hours each year.

If something there looks like it could be for you, do contact us and we can explore possibilities.

Use the Contact link at the top, or just email us at